

in a tutorial recently the issue of colour (and lack of it in my work) has come up. Believe it or not i have been trying to address this within my drawings but it has yet to become a subconscious decision, and until it does i fear any work with colour will look a bit forced? or awkward. In my work i rely quite heavily on spontaneity and quick lines and it can be seen in previous drawings that they straight away become alot stiller, not that this is a bad thing i just need to find a way for it to work for me. At the moment anything coloured is stuck between anything, apparently floating in this sort of uncomfortable abyss. but, i will keep trying and post up images on here soon to show my (if any) progress.

1 comment:

Stephanie Kirchem said...

Does colour matter? i actually do need to properly start an investigation into the effects of colour and how i can manipulate it. with regards to my 3rd year this may be one issue i will devote an entire project to, if i set aside time to properly dissect my process and apply colour successfully it would definitely benefit my work as a whole.
